Disaster Recovery Shareflex App with Microsoft 365 Backup

The goal is to see how well M365 backup can restore a Shareflex application, such as contract management, in case of a disaster, for example if all content is deleted or altered by an external force.

The SPO site where this Shareflex app is listed is added to MS365 backup.

The backup frequency is 10 minutes, it seems, great.

We entered some sample contracts into the application. Let’s wait for the backup to complete, and then it’s time to delete some stuff and see how the restore works out.

Restore to a new site

The restore operation took 13 hours, better not be in a hurry.

The restored site looks great, all data is present.

Delete and alter some contracts and restore to same site

Deleted these five contracts. Lets restore to the same site.

Lets use this suggestion for faster restore point, because the previous restore was not that fast.

The restore operation took 10 minutes, thats fast, and all contracts are back, very nice.

Delete some libraries and sub-sites and restore to same site

This time, I made a real mess—deleted sub-sites, lists, and libraries, and even emptied the recycle bin. Now we’ll restore it the same way as in the previous operation.

The restore operation took 8 minutes, thats fast, and all stuff I deletes is back, very nice.

Completely delete the SPO site and restore to same site

Works like a charm – very good.