Shareflex Microsoft Teams SharePoint integration


This post is about the Microsoft Teams SharePoint integration in which we explain how to add a SharePoint Online apps to Teams.
Because Lialis is all about the development of SharePoint Online applications with Shareflex, we use a Shareflex team workflow business application in our example.

Microsoft Teams is a great tool to integrate Workflow applications. Hence giving Microsoft Teams users easy access to application data and workflows.

In this blog I will explain how to configure Microsoft Teams and use it in combination with Shareflex applications.

The first step is to add the SharePoint application in Teams. You do this by carrying out the instructions displayed in the image below.

Shareflex support for Microsoft Teams - Add SharePoint app

Use the look-up function to find the SharePoint application.

Shareflex support for Microsoft Teams - Sharepoint

Subsequently, add the SharePoint application to Teams.

Shareflex support for Microsoft Teams - Add to a team


Thirdly, add the SharePoint site to the Teams SharePoint application.


Shareflex support for Microsoft Teams - Add SharePoint list

In this example we add the Shareflex Contract Management application to Teams.  Shareflex Contract is an extensive contract management solution from Portal Systems.

Shareflex support for Microsoft Teams - Add shareflex URL


Then we paste the link the home page of the Shareflex Contract management application so it is visible in Teams. Subsequently, the Microsoft Teams SharePoint integration is complete.

Shareflex support for Microsoft Teams - Contract Management


As a result, you can see a list of service contracts listed in the Shareflex contract management application.

Shareflex support for Microsoft Teams - List of vendors


In the image below we show a contract data form. Please note in the right pane all other contracts that are related to this particular identity.

Shareflex Microsoft Teams SharePoint integration - contract management structure


Working with files in Shareflex

Shareflex allows users to work with document metadata, rich text and files on one screen. Metadata fields are important to categorize the item and display them accordingly in the view.

In the example below I show how the user can work with the attachment while the other fields of the item are still present on the same screen.

Shareflex Microsoft Teams SharePoint integration working with files

Please note the Confidentiality flag we added to the files listing, which can be adjusted by the user.

Shareflex Microsoft Teams SharePoint integration confidentiality tag


Shareflex Workflows in Microsoft Teams

There are many reasons why in a team workflow applications are important. Foremost it ensures that tasks are executed by team members on time.
A Microsoft teams workflow is realized by the workflow functionality existing in Shareflex applications.
In below example we use a demo Shareflex application to create a new request and to start the workflow approval.

Shareflex Microsoft Teams SharePoint integration shareflex workflow

After creating the Shareflex application you press ‘save’ so the Workflow submit button becomes visible to initiate the request workflow in Microsoft Teams.

Shareflex support for Microsoft Teams = initiate workflow

Subsequently, the first person who has to approve or reject this request will receive an e-mail with a link to the workflow task.

Shareflex Microsoft Teams SharePoint integration workflow approval email

Clicking this link leads the approver to the approval item in SharePoint Online.

Shareflex Microsoft Teams SharePoint integration workflow approval form

We hope this blog has provided you more insight in how to use Shareflex workflow in Microsoft Teams. 

Feel free to contact us for more information on workflow Microsoft Teams or a generic Shareflex demo.